Opportunity Cost Theory in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries-Argument and Development to the Chicago and LSE-
Chukyo University Institute of Economics Discussion Paper Series, Chukyo University Institute of Economics, 2305, 1, 17, 2024, Not refereed, Joint Work
2304, 1, 12, 2024, Not refereed, Single Work
30, 40, 2023, Not refereed, Single Work
23, 471, 479, 2020, Not refereed, Single Work
Continuity and Discontinuity in the History of Classical Social Choice until the 18th Century
Kazumi Nishimoto
THE ECONOMIC SCIENCE, Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University, 67, 3, 131, 144, 2020, Not refereed, Single Work
K. J. Arrow and the University of Chicago at the Time of Publication of Social Choice and Individual Values
Kazumi Nishimoto
THE ECONOMIC SCIENCE, Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University, 60, 2, 135, 153, 2012, Not refereed, Single Work
The Origin of rational choice theory and Economic Imperialism
Kazumi Nishimoto
THE ECONOMIC SCIENCE, Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University, 58, 1, 109, 127, 2009, Not refereed, Single Work
Rational Choice Theory in Sociology and Economics
Kazumi Nishimoto
The annual of Society of Economic Sociology, The Society of Economic Sciology, 31, 198, 207, 2008, refereed, Single Work
Kenneth J. Arrow, Kristen Renwick Monroe (ed.), Nicholas Monroe Lampros (ed.), On Ethics and Economics: Conversations with Kenneth J. Arrow, London, New York: Routledge, 2016, ix + 239 pp.
Kazumi Nishimoto
59, 2, 181, 182, 2019, Not refereed, Single Work
Rethinking of Historical Thoughts in Economics; Social Order, Choice and Behavior from the 19th Century to the 20th Century with the Complex Determination and the View of Multi-Linea
Tomoaki Eguchi, Kazumi Nishimoto, Keita Tanaka and Kyoko Matsunami
Ritsumeikan review of industrial society, Ritsumeikan University, College of Social Sciences, 53, 2, 31, 42, 2017, Not refereed, Joint Work
Scientific Viewpoints on the Rational Choice Theory
Kazumi Nishimoto
Journal of the Faculty of General Education, The Faculty of General Education, 3, 89, 105, 2017, Not refereed, Single Work
Rational Choice Theory in Political Science and Sociology as a Microeconomic Approach: a Historical Perspective
Kazumi Nishimoto
THE ECONOMIC SCIENCE, Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University, 56, 1, 55, 66, 2008, Not refereed, Single Work
308, 315, 2007, Not refereed, Single Work
44, 3, 78, 83, 2007, refereed, Single Work
2023, Single Work, refereed
2022, Single Work
2021, Single Work
2021, Single Work, Not refereed
A Link between the 18th and the 20th century?
Kazumi Nishimoto
The 15th International Conference for the 18th Century, 2019, Single Work, refereed, Presenter, International Conference for the 18th Century, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland
A Broader Range of Arrows Thoughts in Social Choice and Individual Value
Kazumi Nishimoto
The Twenty-seventh Conference of the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia, 2013, Single Work, refereed, Presenter, The History of Economic Thought Society of Australia, The University of Western Australia, Parse, Australia
Condorcet as a forerunner of the twentieth century rational choice theory
Kazumi Nishimoto
The 13th International Congress of the eighteenth century, 2011, Single Work, refereed, Presenter, International Conference for the 18th Century, The University of Graz, Graz, Austria