Workshop on World Englishes in the Classroom
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, ALC, 6, 2, 95, 102, 2003, refereed, Single Work
Developmental World Englishes and 'Phillipson Continued'
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 13, 1, 78, 81, 2010, refereed, Single Work
A Vision for world Englishes in the Expanding Circle
J. D'Angelo and S.Sakai
World Englishes, 24, 3, 323, 327, 2005, refereed, Joint Work
The Japanese EFL Environment: What Type of Masters Program is Required?
James D'Angelo
Chukyo Eibun Gaku, 21, 38, 1995, refereed, Single Work
My Favorite Japanese Words: The Intuitive Artist's Approach to Second Language Acquisition
James D'Angelo
Chukyo Daigaku Eibun Gakkai Journal, 37, 45, 1995, refereed, Single Work
'VOLUME UP' in the Japanese Classroom: Reducing Inhibition through Circulation
James D'Angelo
Nagoya City U. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 73, 80, 1996, refereed, Single Work
Preliminary Research Proposal: Japanese TV Drama with English Dubbing
James D'Angelo
Nagoya City U. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 80, 88, 1996, refereed, Single Work
Am I Still a Good Language Learner?
James D'Angelo
Nagoya City U. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4, 101, 108, 1997, refereed, Single Work
Using the Socratic Method in Japan
James D'Angelo
Nagoya City U. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9, 157, 164, 2000, refereed, Single Work
English diversification in Asia: Innovation and its implications for TEIL
James D'Angelo
Journal of College of World Englishes, Iseisha, 19, 15, 24, 2016, refereed, Single Work, Looks at varieties of English across Kachru's 3 circles in Asia, in terms of unique features and functions.
The Relevance of ELF for Japanese Higher Education: As Seen through Practitioner Observations
James D'Angelo
Journal of the College of World Englishes, Iseisha, Iseisha, 22, 29, 44, 2018, refereed, Single Work, Coming out of the author's PhD thesis data, the article outlines results of 17 classroom observations of full- and part-time faculty in the College of World Englishes
The 10th Annual Free Linguistics Conference
Asian English Studies, Japan Association For Asian Englishes (JAFAE), 19, 106, 114, 2017, refereed, Single Work, A article-length review of the keynotes and several outstanding papers at the 10th Free Linguistics Conference.
The External-and-Internal-Forces Model applied to the Japan context
James D'Angelo
Russian Journal of Linguistics, Rudin University, Russian Journal of Lingusitics, 24, 3, 612, 632, 2020, refereed, Joint Work, An updated version of the chapter in the book Modelling World Englishes, which includes the key graphs and charts which were not part of the book chapter, as well as other enhancements.
The Status of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) and Implications for the Teaching of English in Japan
James D'Angelo
Status Quaestionis, Sapienza - Universita Di Roma, 19, 277, 302, 2020, refereed, Single Work, An update of my 2018 chapter on the Status of ELF in Japan, with a consideration of new developments in ELF in Japan.
A Concrete plan for EIL education in Japan
James D'Angelo
Journal of College of World Englishes, Iseisha, 87, 92, 2020, refereed, Single Work, An expanded review of the book by N. Hino
Japanese English? Refocusing the Discussion
James D'Angelo
Asian English Studies (JAFAE Journal), 15, 99, 124, 2013, refereed, Single Work, Reconsiders the need to claim a Japanese variety of English in wake of the emerging growth in English as a Lingua Franca studies, where claiming a local variety of English is of less importance.
What Nearby Models can Japan Consider in the Era of Globalized Higher Education?
James D'Angelo
Chukyo Department of World Englishes Kiyo, Iseisha, 14, 1, 20, 2012, refereed, Single Work
The Kachru/Smith ethos of inclusivity in Japan: the Exnormative~Endonormative Debate Resolved
James D'Angelo
Journal of the College of World Englishes, Iseisha, 13, 1, 16, 2011, refereed, Single Work, Argues that through the ethos of inclusivity, pluricentrism, and fellowship in the work of Kachru and L. Smith, the dilemma over whether Expanding Circle Japan should adopt a native or local model need not be a complex issue.
The Japan Context and the Expanding Circle: A Kachruvian Response to Debbie Ho
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 11, 2, 64, 74, 2009, refereed, Single Work
WEs and ELFs: There's Room for Both in a New Model
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 10, 2, 102, 105, 2007, refereed, Single Work
Educated Japanese English: expanding oral/aural core vocabulary
James D'Angelo
World Englishes, Wiley Blackwell, 24, 3, 329, 349, 2005, refereed, Single Work
Salikoko Mufwene on Global English: Myths and Facts
James D'Angelo
Journal of the College of World Englishes, Iseisha, 6, 29, 32, 2005, refereed, Single Work
World Englishes and Critical Thinking
James D'Angelo
Journal of College of World Englishes, Iseisha, 1, 59, 66, 2002, refereed, Single Work
American ldentity
James D'Angelo
Introduction to International Studies, Shinhyoron, 233, 252, 1999, refereed, Single Work
Managing an Academic Journal from an ELF-informed Perspective: The Case of Asian Englishes
James D'Angelo
Waseda Working Papers in ELF- Volume 6 (Waseda University Press), WUP, 175, 186, 2017, refereed, Single Work, Outlines the background and history of the journal Asian Englishes, from its original version published by ALC Japan, through its publication by Rutledge since 2016.
English Language Testing for the Philippine Context.
James D'Angelo
Routledge, 2022, 9781138370760
Understanding English Across Cultures
N. Honna, Y. Takeshita and J. D'Angelo
Kinseido, 2012, 9784764739420, A textbook designed for undergraduates, with readings and questions in the areas of World Englishes, EIL, and Intercultural Communication
Firth and Wagner '97 and '07
James D'Angelo
Kinseido, 2014, 9784764711358, I consider the impact of the landmark Firth and Wagner article in 1997, and its follow-up in 2007, on the field of Second Language Acquisition - With a focus on the degree to which World Englishes-related concepts were recognized within the broader SLA field subsequent to these articles.
The Routledge Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca: The status of ELF in Japan
James D'Angelo
The Status of ELF in Japan, Routledge, 2018, 978113885532, A thorough consideration of the status of English as a Lingua Franca work done in Japan, focusing on the major scholars working in that area, and the institutions with related programs. The chapter also considers the future impact of ELF in Japan.
Expanding ELF-informed EMI in Japanese higher education: A case study of actual graduates' needs
James D'Angelo
Routledge, 2019, 978081539517, Using data from the author's 2015 PhD thesis, the chapter evaluates the impact of the attitudes and workplace experiences of actual graduates of the Kokusai Eigo gakka, on their assessment of the curriculum they studied while in the College of World Englishes, and recommends enhancements based on this data.
English in East and South Asia: Features of Japanese English
James D'Angelo, T. Yamaguchi, and Y. Fujiwara
Routledge, 2021, 9781138359857
A Critical View of Globalization within the Expanded Role of EMI in Japan
James D'Angelo
Bloomsbury, 2021, 9781350065888, The chapter outlines my 18 years of teaching EMI classes in Japan, culminating with a description of the new all-EMI Global Liberal Studies major at Chukyo, within the School of Global Studies
Language Teacher Education for Global English: Conclusion: An Impactful Volume
James D'Angelo
Routledge, 2021, 9780367536428, I wrote the Conclusion to the book, as well as one of the In Memoria essays on the passing of series editor Farzad Sharifian
Modelling World Englishes: A Joint Approach to Postcolonial and Non-Postcolonial Englishes (Applying the EIF Model to Japan)
S. Ike and J. D'Angelo
Edinburgh University Press, 2020, 978-1-4744-4586-3, A chapter co-authored with S. Ike, exploring the new EIF model of world Englishes for the Japan Context.
Functional Variations in English: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Challenges
R.A. Giri, A. Sharma & J. D'Angelo (Eds.)
Springer, 2020, 978-3-030-52224-7, I was one of 3 editors for this special volume, a tribute on the retirement of WE scholar Dr. Ravinder Gargesh of U. of Delhi. I also co-authored Chapter 1.
English as a Lingua Franca in Japan: Towards Multilingual Practices
James D'Angelo
Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 978-3-030-33287-7, The book is a festschrift on the retirement of Dr. Kumiko Murata of Waseda University, with contributions of many of the key ELF scholars in Japan and worldwide. I was honored to write the Foreword.
From Learner's to Users: Reframing a Japanese university curriculum towards a 'WE Enterprise'-informed EMI Model.
James D'Angelo
Multilingual Matters, 2019, 978-1-78892-409-2, The chapter summarizes methods of building a World Englishes, EIL, and ELF-informed university curriculum, with EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) coursework.
Summary of the 38th JAFAE Conference
James D'Angelo
JAFAE Newsletter #42, 2016, Review of all papers for the 38th JAFAE National Conference held at Chukyo University, June 25, 2016.
Lecture Review - The Spread of English in Australia and Japan
James D'Angelo
Journal of College of World Englishes, 2016, A summary and review of a special koenkai given by Dr. Saya Ike of Sugiyama Jogakuen University, to students of the College of World Englishes on January 15, 2016.
Nurturing EMI in Broad-Based Japanese Higher Education: The Case of Chukyo University
James D'Angelo
Waseda Working Papers in ELF (English as a Lingua Franca) - Volume 4, 2015, This is a detailed survey of various initiatives to implement English as a Medium of Instruction classes at Chukyo University, it its continuing efforts at internationalization.
The WEs/EIL paradigm and Japan's NS propensity: Challenging the 'friendly face' of West-based TESOL
James D'Angelo
Springer, 2012, 9783319061269, Book chapter, involves a survey of 1st year DWE students, regarding reasons for coming to Chukyo, and their expectations and experiences with the program, with a focus on NS-taught skills classes.
Principles and Practices in Teaching English as an International Language
James D'Angelo
Multilingual Matters, 2012, 9781847697028, Book chapter which outlines our efforts at the CWE to introduce a WEs informed EIL program, towards a functional, educated, multilingual outcome for our students.
English in Southeast Asia: Curriuclum and World Englishes
James D'Angelo
John Benjamins, 2012, 9789027249029, This Chapter proposes incorporating WEs ideas into curriculum development under the concept I have developed, Additive Language Learning in which the learner's overall language repertoire as a multilingual user is taken into account.
Contextualizing Education for Glocal Interaction - Issues and Implications,Afterword
James D'Angelo
Springer, 2017, This is the Afterword chapter of a Book, an edited collection in which I analyze the meta-language used by the various authors to frame the issues and problems of "glocal" education today.
World Englishes and Related Paradigms
James D'Angelo
Singapore Associattion for Applied Linguistics, 2023, Single Work, Not refereed, Invited Lecture, Dr. Anithan Dewi Pillai, Singapore - National Institute of Education, I outlined important work in the four major pluralistic paradigms of English, and their pedagogical implications
President's Opening Remarks
James D'Angelo
JAFAE 49th National Conference, 2022, Single Work, Masao Aikawa, Online
President's Opening Remarks
James D'Angelo
JAFAE 50th National Conference, 2022, Single Work, President of the Society, Masao Aikawa, Kyoto / Online
EMI Across Kachru's 3 Concentric Circles in Asia:A Japan-based Case Study
James D'Angelo
BASS 2022, 2022, Single Work, Maureen Boulanger, Chukyo University Annex Hall
Article Focus: The Status of English as a Lingua Franca in Japan
James D'Angelo
ILF Brasil - UFBA Research Group, 2021, Single Work, Dr. Savio Siqueira
Japanese English? Refocusing the Discussion
James D'Angelo
2021 KASELL Spring Conference, 2021, Single Work, Prof. K.S. Paik, Hanyang Women's University, Seoul, Korea (via Zoom)
Epistemic Writing and Mediation
A. Imig & J. D'Angelo
AILA 2021 - Int'l Association of Applied Linguistics, 2021, Joint Work, University of Groningen, Zoom (Holland)
World Englishes, Asian Englishes and Philippine English - Plenary Lecture
James D'Angelo
PhD in English - Annual Special Lecture on World Englishes, 2021, Single Work, refereed, Keynote Speaker, Professor Marilu Madrunio - U. of Santo Tomas, Zoom (Manila)
Academic Writing and Mediation: CEFR-informed
A. Imig & J. D'Angelo
JALT 2020 National Conference, 2020, Joint Work, refereed, JALT, On Zoom in Japan, Held online on Zoom, November 21, 2020 12:50pm~
World Englishes and Related Paradigms: Concrete Ideas for the Classroom
James D'Angelo
Linguistic Society of the Philippines- De La Salle U. Lecture Series, 2020, Single Work, Dr. Shirley Dita, De La Salle U., I delivered an invited plenary speech to 475 attendees on Zoom from 11 countries. July 18, 2020.
English in Japan: The Applicability of the EIF Model
James D'Angelo & Saya IKE
24th IAWE Conference, 2019, Joint Work, With IKE, Saya sensei, we continued to explore the applicability of the Buschfeld/Kautzsch EIF (External and Internal Forces model of variety development to the Japanese context.
EMI Across the concentric circles in Asia: A Japan situated case study
James D'Angelo
20th English in Southeast Asia Conference, 2019, Single Work, Dr. Ee Ling Low, English in Southeast Asia Consortium, Raffles Town Club, Singapore
The World Englishes Response to ELF: Too litte too late?
James D'Angelo
Forum for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2018 (IRHSA) Aichi University, 2018, Single Work, Prof. Laura Kusaka, Aichi, Japan, Outlines that World Englishes, dealing only in 'Intelligibility Studies' in terms of international uses of English, lacks the focus that ELF research does for this area.
Keynote: The Study and Role of English in Japanese Higher Education: Trying to join the 4th Industrial Revolution
James D'Angelo
ESP Korea Conference 2018, 2018, Single Work, Dr. K.S. Paik, Korea Aerospace University, Seoul, Korea
Organized JACET ELF SIG Symposium: "ELF and Related Paradigms: Educational and Societal Implications." With N. Hino, M. Oda, A. Suzuki
J. D'Angelo, N. Hino, M. Oda, A. Suzuki
JACET 56th National Conference, 2017, Joint Work
Keynote Lecture: "Applying the WE Enterprise to Expanding Circle ELT"
James D'Angelo
2017 Autumn KASELL Conference, 2017, Single Work, Hanyang Women's University, Seoul, KOREA
Invited Plenary Address: Applying the WE Enterprise to Expanding Circle ELT
James D'Angelo
5th CELT (English Language Teaching and Literature) International Conference, 2017, Single Work, Prof. Eka Dukut, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia
Plenary Address (Journals Workshop): "Submitting to Routledge Asian Englishes"
James D'Angelo
5th CELT Conference, 2017, Joint Work, Prof. Eka Dukut, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia
Transnational Paradigms in Language Policy+ An ELF-informed CEFR for Academic Writing in Asia
J. D'Angelo and A. Imig
10th Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, 2017, Joint Work, refereed, Prof. Anna Maranen, U. of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Managing an academic journal from an ELF-informed perspective: the case of Asian Englishes
James D'Angelo
6th Waseda ELF International Workshop, 2016, Single Work
Invited lecture: "Adjusting your Teaching to the global Reality of English Today"
James D'Angelo
JET Program Annual National Convention, 2016, Single Work
Invited Keynote lecture "The Relevance and Value of ELF for Japanese Higher Education"
James D'Angelo
3rd JACET ELF SIG Conference, 2016, Single Work, Chukyo University
Plenary: Applying the "World Englishes Enterprise" to Expanding Circle ELT
James D'Angelo
10th Free Linguistics Conference, 2016, Single Work, Dr. Ahmar Mahboob, Free Linguistics President, Padang (Sumatra), Indonesia
A Broader Concept of World Englishes for Educational Contexts
James D'Angelo
Invited Doctoral Lecture, North-West University, 2016, Single Work, Dr. Bertus Van Rooy, North-west University UPSET Roundtable, South Africa, VAAL Triangle
World Englishes, EIL and ELF: What are they and how can they help my teaching? (Invited Plenary Address)
James D'Angelo
JALT 2015 College and University Education (CUE SIG) Conference, 2015, Single Work
Does What we Teach in Japan Meet Student and Societal Needs: World Mindedness and Transnational Attraction
James D'Angelo
21st Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, 2015, Single Work, Dr. Yasemin Bayyurt, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Challenges of Nurturing English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in broad-based Japanese Higher Education
James D'Angelo
4th Waseda ELF International Workshop, 2014, Single Work
World Englishes and ELF: Teaching English based on Reality
James D'Angelo
Invited lecture: Niigata Prefectural U., 2014, Single Work
Getting Native Teachers "Buy-in" to the World Englishes Enterprise
James D'Angelo
20th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, 2014, Single Work, Dr. Anamika Sharma, Amity University, Delhi, India
What 'ASEAN plus 3' ELF Data Can Reveal - Asian Corpus of English Project Panel
James D'Angelo
The 7th Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, 2014, Single Work, Dr.Nikos Safakias, The American College of Greece, Athens, Greece
Future Directions in World Englishes Education: The WEs Career Major
James D'Angelo
33rd JAFAE National Conference, 2013, Single Work, Prof. Nobuyuki Honna, JAFAE Founder, Chukyo University
Multilingualism viewed from the World Englishes Enterprise: Pedagogical Implications
James D'Angelo
Second/Other Language Educators Conference (JALT SIG), 2013, Single Work, Dr. Saya Ike, Sugiyama University, Nagoya
Balancing Variation and Normativity in ELT, Panel Organizer and Chair
James D'Angelo
30th JAFAE Conference, 2012, Joint Work, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
Keynote: Post-normative Paradigms to inform Japanese ELT
James D'Angelo
JALT Nagoya Chapter Conference, 2012, Single Work, JALT Nagoya Branch Conference, Nagoya, Japan
Keynote speech: Four New Paradigms to Inform Japanese ELT
James D'Angelo
JACET Chubu Conference, 2012, Single Work, Tetsuya Enokizono, Chukyo University
Theories of Language Variation and Education: The Japan Context
James D'Angelo
18th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, 2012, Single Work, Kingsley Bolton, Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou, China
Building the Japan Component of the Asia Corpus of English
James D'Angelo
The 5th Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF5), 2012, Single Work, Dr. Yasemin Bayyurt, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
World Englishes and Related Paradigms: Putting Theory into Practice in the Japan Context
James D'Angelo
ETJ - English Teachers Japan, 2011, Single Work
Re-evaluating the College of World Englishes: A Situation Analysis
James D'Angelo
17th Conference of International Association for World Englishes, 2011, Single Work, Dr. Farzad Sharifian, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
A pre-ELF study of Japanese English: Innovation, Simplification or "Errors"?
James D'Angelo and A. Sharma
The 4th Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF4), 2011, Joint Work, Dr. Jonathan Webster, Hong Kong City University, China SAR, Hong Kong
Japanese English: Refocusing the Discussion
James D'Angelo
26th JAFAE Conference, 2010, Single Work
A preliminary needs analysis of the Chukyo DWE
James D'Angelo
15th ESEA (English in Southeast Asia Conference), 2010, Single Work, Dr. Andrew Moody, University of Macau
Doctoral Research Proposal on World Englishes and Japan
James D'Angelo
NWU - Graduate Lecture Series, 2010, Single Work, Dr. Bertus Van Rooy, North-West Univeristy, Vaal Triangle, South Africa
The WEs Paradigm in Curriculum Development: The Japan Context and the Exonormative-Endonormative Debate Resolved
James D'Angelo
15th Conference of International Association for World Englishes, 2009, Single Work, Dr. Ma. Lourdes Bautista, Linguistic Society of the Philippines, Cebu, Philippines
The Future of Asian Englishes: Chair of final conference panel with M.A. Bautisa, N. Hino, Renu Gupta.
James D'Angelo
21st JAFAE Conference, 2007, Joint Work, JAFAE Japan, Kyoto
Japanese Universities in Crisis: Learning from Outer Circle Asia
James D'Angelo
13th Conference of International Association for World Englishes, 2007, Single Work, Dr. Edgar Schneider, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
Reading in World Englishes
James D'Angelo
CUHK Roundtable, 2007, Single Work, Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics - City U. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
World Englishes, Allan Bloom and University Education
James D'Angelo
12th Conference of International Association for World Englishes, 2006, Single Work, Dr. Sanzo Sakai, Chukyo University, Nagoya, Japan
The educated variety of Japanese English: Building a Power Vocabulary
James D'Angelo
11th Conference of International Associaton for World Englishes, 2005, Single Work, Dr. Margie Berns, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana USA
Educated Japanese English: Expanding Oral/Aural Core Vocabulary
James D'Angelo
10th International Conference of International Association of World Englishes, 2004, Single Work, Dr. Tej Bhatia, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA
Suresh Canagarajah - Developing an Asian Orientation to Linguistics and Pedagogy
James D'Angelo
JAFAE Newsletter No. 58, Japan Association for Asian Englishes, 58, 2, 2, 202304, Not refereed
Keynote Lecture Review - Dr. Shirley N. Dita
James D'Angelo
JAFAE Newsletter No. 59, Japan Association for Asian Englishes, 59, 2, 2, 202310, Not refereed
Editorial 25:3
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 25, 2, 1, 1, 2023, refereed,, For one of the largest issues ever of the journal, I comment on 14 research articles. They come from 10 Asian countries, and represent both pedagogy and more fundamental linguistic topics: involving many themes from our Aims and Scope.
Editorial 24:3
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge
Editorial 24:2
Asian Englishes, Routledge
Editorial 24:1
Asian Englkishes
A Dynamic 18th IAWE: One Conference, Two Cities
James D'Angelo & Saya Ike
Asian Englishes, 15, 2, 144, 153, 2012, refereed,
The Obsession with Modernity: Why English as a Second Official Language?
James D'Angelo
Asian English Studies - Monograph, JAFAE Japan, 57, 65, 2008
The 15th IAWE: Form follows Function
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge: Taylor & Francis, 12, 2, 96, 108, 2009, refereed,
Crossing the Disciplinary Divide: The IAICS and JAFAE Joint Conference
James D'Angelo, Shoko Tanaka
Asian Englishes, Routledge: Taylor & Francis, 12, 2, 88, 95, 2009, refereed,
Editorial 13:1
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, ALC, 13, 1, 1, 1, 2010, refereed,
The 29th JAFAE Conference
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge: Taylor & Francis, 14, 2, 114, 119, 2011, refereed,
ELF4: A Dynamic Construct Gathers Momentum
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, ALC, 14, 1, 90, 103, 2011, refereed,
Ahmar Mahboob Keynote Review
James D'Angelo
JAFAE Newsletter, 36, 3, 4, 2012
World Englishes, Language Variation, and Language Proficiency
James D'Angelo
Journal of the College of World Englishes, 15, 115, 120, 2013, refereed, A summary and analysis of a special lecture and recent work by Dr. Ahmar Mahboob
Larry Smith Keynote Review
James D'Angelo
JAFAE Newsletter, 38, 4, 5, 2013, refereed
Philip Seargeant, ed. 2011. English in Japan in the Era of Globalization
James D'Angelo
English World-Wide, John Benjamins, 35, 1, 114, 119, 2014,
Editorial 16:1
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 2014, refereed,
Editorial 16:2
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 16, 2, 1, 1, 2014, refereed,
Masaki ODA Keynote Review
James D'Angelo
JAFAE Newsletter, 40, 3, 5, 2014, refereed
Editorial 17:2
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 17, 2, 1, 1, 2015, refereed, 10.1080/13488678.2015.1046206
Editorial 20:3
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge: Taylor & Francis, 20, 3, 1, 1, 2018, refereed, 10.1080/13488678.2018.1525792, Investigating possible weaknesses in the WE paradigm, 25 years on
Editorial 20:2
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge: Taylor & Francis, 20, 2, 1, 1, 2018, refereed, 10.1080/13488678.2018.1472733, Part II of our 20th year celebration. With articles on Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, and the UAE.
Editorial 20:1
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge: Taylor & Francis, 20, 1, 1, 1, 2018, refereed, 10.1080/13488678.2018.1434405, Part I of our 20th year anniversary. With articles on Hong Kong, China, Japan, Singapore, and Australia.
Editorial 19:1
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 19, 1, 1, 1, 2017, Not refereed, 10.1080/13488678.2017.1291196
Editorial 23:2
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 23, 2, 1, 1, 2021
Editorial 22:1
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 22, 1, 1, 1, 2020, 10.1080/13488678.2020.1710051, Editorial on Benefits of the ESEA Conference
Editorial 22:2
James D'Angelo
Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 22, 3, 1, 1, 202007, 10.1080/13488678.2020.1766901, Editorial on Changes to our field as a result of the Corona virus
Editorial 22:3
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 22, 3, 1, 1, 2021, 10.1080/13488678.2020.1824254, Is world Englishes guilty of still suppressing local culture?
EIL Education for the Expanding Circle: A Japanese Model (Nobuyuki Hino)
James D'Angelo
Asian Studies Review, Routledge, 45, 1, 560, 562, 2019, 10.1080.10357823.2019.1673927
Editorial 21:3
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 21, 3, 223, 223, 2019, 10.1080.13488678.2019.1675128, The Passing of M.A.K. Halliday and David Graddol, and their contributions to the understanding of Sociolinguistics in Asia, esp. vis-a-vis recent submissions to the journal
Editorial 21:2
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 21, 2, 113, 113, 2019, 10.1080/13488678.2019.1617549, Commentary on the English of architect Ban, Shigeru
Editorial 18:3
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 2016, 10.1080/13488678.2016.1237805, A tribute to World Englishes founder Braj Kachru, who passed away in July 2016.
Editorial 18:1
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 18, 1, 1, 1, 2016, 10.1080/13488678.2016.1149972, Outlines 3 recent trends of English in Asia
Editorial 17:3
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 17, 3, 1, 1, 2015, Looks at recent trends in English in Asia, including the complexity of the Philippine context, the increasing trend towards 'transnational attraction' in the Expanding Circle, and the large role which English plays in ASEAN.
Spotlight on Journals: Asian Englishes
James D'Angelo
Routledge Editors' Bulletin, Routledge, 10, 3, 59, 61, 2015, 10.1080/17521742.2014.1159433, An interview with J. D'Angelo regarding academic writing standards for non-native international scholars who submit papers to journals in English.
Editorial 17:1
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, Routledge, 2015, 10.1080/13488678.2015.1011064, The Passing of Larry E. Smith
English in Japan in the Era of Globalization - Book Review
James D'Angelo
English World Wide, John Benjamins, 35, 1, 114, 119, 2014, 10.1075/eww.35.1.11ang, Review of collection with Palgrave Macmillan edited by Philip Seargeant.
Philippine English: Linguistic and Literary Perspectives - Book Review
James D'Angelo
English World-Wide, John Benjamins, 33, 2, 2012, Review of 19-chapter book with Hong Kong Press on Philippine English, edited by M.L. Bautista and K. Bolton.
English as a Multicultural Language in Asian Contexts: Issues and Ideas
James D'Angelo
World Englishes, 28, 4, 555-557, 2009, Review for WEs journal of Honna's book which synthsizes many of his main ideas from 30 years in the field.
The 14th IAWE: Mapping the Exploding Multilingual Feature Pool
James D'Angelo
Asian Englishes, 11, 2, 94, 105, 2008, 10.1080/13488678.2008.10801241, Review of the 14th Conference of the IAWE held at City U. of Hong Kong in which S. Mufwene's concept of the feature pool emerged as a common theme
JAFAE 20th Anniversary Keynote: Dr. Lisa Lim
James D'Angelo
JAFAE Newsletter, JAFAE, 2017, A review of the lecture entitled "#Trending now: Asian Englishes in an Age of Reimagining" by Dr. Lisa Lim of the University of Hong Kong
The 10th Annual Free Linguistics Conference: Conference Review
James D'Angelo
Asian English Studies, 94, 104, 2017, A review of the conference hosted by Ahmar Mahboob in Padang Sumatra, Indonesia